Some Good News about Covid-19 and Life Insurance

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Bouncing Back from Covid

Last week’s article about making good decisions in a pandemic gathered some happy feedback. Continuing on with the covid theme, this week we thought we would discuss another phenomenon that…

Making Good Decisions in a Pandemic

Recently, we came across an article in the Nine/Fairfax press about a family that left the confines of locked down Melbourne to move to unlocked regional Victoria. The family left the city…

What is a testamentary trust?

This week, we want to discuss a potentially sensitive issue for many people – what to do with your assets after you die. In order not to breach our client’s…

What’s all this about Inflation?

You might be hearing quite a bit about inflation lately. So, what is it and do we need to be worried? Economists define inflation as a fall in the ‘purchasing…

100 Taxpayers Walk into a Bar

Every year, with apologies to the radio station JJJ, the Australian Tax Office releases it’s own version of it’s ‘Hottest 100.’ Well, not really. What the ATO actually does is…

Housing’s Tug of War

This week, we saw another version of the tug of war at play in Australia’s residential property market. House prices have soared in most parts of Australia in the last…