How to Win at Tennis. And Investing

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How to Win at Tennis. And Investing

It is Australian Open time again and the world’s attention focusses on Australia’s very own Grand Slam Tennis Tournament. Happily, with Covid restrictions much less this year, we will see…

Taking Time to Think

It is almost the end of the year. Which means, of course, that it is almost the start of next year. When it comes to money, the turning of the…

Mid-Career Superannuation

Last week, we looked at why super is, well, super, even for people just starting out in their careers. This week, we take a look at superannuation for people a…

Gen Z and Zuperannuation

The end of the school and University year means many young men and women are starting their first ‘real job.’ That first job might be an apprenticeship, a graduate job,…

Thinking of Buying an Electric Car?

The new Federal Government delivered its first Federal Budget earlier this week. As is our tradition, we will bring you a comprehensive analysis in coming weeks as the announcements and…

Now That’s Good Estate Planning!

A well-known man in England recently gained an inheritance. It is a pretty substantial one, too. According to Forbes Magazine, King Charles inherited approximately $US500 Million in assets from his Mum and…